Looking for a Sotware to Upload Disseration Citations and It Automatically Corrects Them

7 Essential Dissertation Writing Apps & Tools

By: David Phair (PhD) & Kerryn Warren (PhD) | October 2019 (Updated March 2022)

Completing your dissertation or thesis requires a hearty investment of time, try and difficult work. There'south no shortcut on the road to research success, merely equally with anything, there are ways to optimize the process and work smarter.

In this mail service, we'll share with y'all a handful of apps, software and services that will make your life a picayune easier throughout the research process.

Overview: Essential Thesis Writing App southward

  1. Grammarly (language editing)
  2. Evernote (annotation taking & productivity)
  3. Otter (dictation/transcription)
  4. Dropbox (cloud storage)
  5. Canva (graphic design)
  6. Mendeley (reference management)
  7. Freemind (mind mapping)
  8. Bonus – MOOCs (learning & evolution)

#1: Grammarly Premium

Let's face up it – the spell checker in Microsoft Word just plainly sucks. Imitation positives and negatives abound, missed errors, ridiculous suggestions – you're often better off spell checking yourself. Thankfully, you don't demand to practice that, cheers to Grammarly.

Grammarly app for proofreading your dissertation on the fly

Grammarly is more than just a spelling and grammer checker – it picks up far more complex problems such as:

  • Inconsistent writing style and unclear judgement structure
  • Overuse of specific works and ineffective vocabulary
  • Boorish, insensitive or non-inclusive language
  • Inappropriate tone or formality level
  • Plagiarism

Simply put, Grammarly is the closest affair you'll become to having a existent-time editor and proofreader looking at your piece of work. Of course, it doesn't supervene upon homo-based editing, but its ideal for cleaning up your early drafts prior to submitting them to your supervisor/advisor for feedback. Grammarly integrates direct into Word, Google Docs and Chrome, so it'south extremely versatile.

Grammarly offers both a free and premium version. For dissertation writing purposes, we recommend the premium version as it includes a plagiarism checker, which is very handy.

#2: Evernote & Penultimate

No doubt, you lot'll be taking an countless stream of notes throughout the research process. Some will be written notes, some will be photos, some might even be sound recordings. You'll need a style to stay on tiptop of information technology all and keep things organized. Enter Evernote.

Evernote app for taking notes during your thesis

Evernote is the ultimate note-taking app, every bit it allows y'all to take notes in various formats, including text (typed and handwritten), photos (snap that workshop slide) and audio (record that interview). Y'all can also attach files of any format (for example, an Excel data set), so admittedly everything stays in one place. The text in whatsoever notation is fully searchable, and all data is synchronized across your phone, laptop, desktop and tablet.

iii: Otter

Writing upwards a good dissertation or thesis requires a lot of, well, writing. Spending hours upon hours hunched over a keyboard tin can be really draining (and potentially physically harmful). Imagine you could just speak instead of type. Well, at present you can, thank you to Otter.ai


Otter is an app that allows y'all to only speak into your smartphone or tablet and information technology converts that audio into text format . This means you tin get your thinking on to paper faster than you commonly would and minimize the gamble of losing your railroad train of thought. It's as well great for getting work done while you're sitting in traffic, and it can double as a initial transcribing aid for your interviews (although you should ever double-check/edit these transcriptions manually).

4: Dropbox

The number of times we've seen students lose hours, days or even weeks' worth of hard piece of work (and fifty-fifty miss the submission borderline) due to corrupted flash drives or hard drives, coffee-soaked laptops, or stolen computers is truly saddening. If you're not using deject storage to salve your piece of work, you're running a major adventure.

Cloud storage apps for your dissertation backups

If you have only ONE thing from this mail, let it be this signal. Become sign up for any of the following cloud services (most offer a complimentary version) and save your work at that place:

  • Dropbox
  • Google Bulldoze
  • OneDrive
  • iCloud Drive

Not only will this ensure your piece of work is ever safely stored (call up to hitting the Salve button, though!), it will make working on multiple devices easier, every bit your files will exist automatically synchronized. No demand to have multiple versions between your desktop, laptop, tablet, etc. Everything stays in one place. Condom, secure, happy files.

5: Canva

Even the most well-written dissertation or thesis will suffer if the visuals cause retina harm to the reader'southward eyes. Sadly, badly designed conceptual frameworks and certificate visuals are all besides common in bookish work. This needn't be the case, cheers to Canva.


Canva is an intuitive, easy to utilise, fully web-based graphic design service that lets anyone design high-quality graphics. And yes, we mean anyone. You don't need to have a groundwork in graphic pattern or visual arts to brand skilful looking graphics with Canva. Just drag and drop. Canva also offers a wide variety of pre-made templates, so it couldn't exist easier to create visuals for your dissertation or thesis.

6: Mendeley

Correctly formatted citations and references are essential to a polished dissertation or thesis. Even the highest quality piece of research will lose credibility (and marks) if the referencing is not on point. It's such a shame to see students lose marks on this, as its such an like shooting fish in a barrel matter to get right with reference management software like Mendeley.

Mendeley is a gratuitous reference management software that takes intendance of all your citations and references in Word. Simply load up your journal articles in Mendeley then simply drib in your citations every bit yous write up in Discussion. Mendeley so automatically builds your reference list co-ordinate to whichever format you lot choose (e.yard. Harvard, APA, etc). Sure, there are many like pieces of software out there, simply personally I find Mendeley to be the most feature-rich. Encounter the video in a higher place for a gustation of the functionality.

7: Freemind

When you're undertaking your enquiry, especially your literature review, you're going to be dealing with a broad-ranging number of theories, models and frameworks, and it can be difficult to see the large pic and connect all the dots. Mind mapping is a highly constructive way to visualize (and connect) all the information, merely doing it on newspaper is so old fashioned. Enter Freemind.

Freemind app

Freemind is a mind mapping software that allows yous to hands create highly editable, visually rich mindmaps on your computer. It'south simple and intuitive to utilise, and 100% complimentary.

8: Udemy & Coursera

Okay, so this is non an app or piece of software, but we couldn't resist including it…

While yous're undertaking your dissertation, chances are that you're going to need to larn about some niche topic very chop-chop in order to consummate some role of your inquiry. For example, how to use SPSS or NVivo assay software, how to develop statistically sound survey scales, how to undertake structured interviews, and so on. Notwithstanding, these sorts of skills are typically not included in the university syllabus and volition have a major impact on the quality of your inquiry. Enter Udemy and Coursera.


Udemy and Coursera both provide a wide-ranging diverseness of super-short, highly digestible online courses.  These courses are a keen way to pick up specific skills (especially software skills) in a very curt amount of fourth dimension (many courses are less than 10 hours total).

Recap: Dissertation Apps

And there you have it – eight apps, software and services that will undoubtedly make your life easier come dissertation fourth dimension.

To recap:

  • Grammarly (language editing)
  • Evernote (note taking & productivity)
  • Otter (dictation/transcription)
  • Dropbox (deject storage)
  • Canva (graphic blueprint)
  • Mendeley (reference direction)
  • Freemind (mind mapping)
  • Bonus – MOOCs (learning & development)

Accept a proffer?We'd love to hear your thoughts. Simply leave a annotate below and we'll consider adding your suggested app to the list.

Psst… there's more (for free)

This post is function of our inquiry writing mini-course, which covers everything yous need to get started with your dissertation, thesis or inquiry projection.


Source: https://gradcoach.com/dissertation-apps/

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