What Is the Percentage That an Older Person Falls in Love Again

I must acknowledge. I am starting to get drastic. I am gear up to settle down and take a family. However, older you go, the harder it is to find a mate because the bulk of our population matches up soon after higher. Sorry to be a Debbie downer, but it is my stance that finding a mate that suits your preferences and who is interested in you is very hard indeed.

According to the 2011 U.S. Census, 84% of the Caucasian population betwixt twenty to 24 years of age were not married nonetheless (1). That does non mean that all of these single women were actually "single". I'm sure some of these individuals were in relationships, but nonetheless they were not married. This pct of "availability" drops to 54%, and then 30%, and finally eighteen% between 25-29, 30-34, and 35-39 years of historic period, respectively. By the time an individual turns 40, the likelihood that he/she will ever become married, if the person is single at that time-bespeak, is slim, as the percentage of never married 40-44 year olds is xv%, and remains relatively the same upwards to 60 years of age. So if you are single by that signal, your chances of union is not proficient.

As a 44-year-old Caucasian male, I am one of the 18% of the Caucasian men in my age grouping (40-44 years of age) that has never been married. I would similar to think that I have a lot going for me. I'm decent looking, neatly dressed and tall (6'1), and in fact only 11% of individuals my age are as alpine or taller than me (2), and women generally don't desire to exist in a relationship in which they are taller than their male partners (3). So I've got that covered. I'm of healthy proportions [my trunk mass alphabetize (BMI), which is weight (kg) divided by height (in g 2 ) is normal (22.four kg/m 2 )] (2), I have an fantabulous credit rating (812, provided by Equifax), and I am a college professor (PhD). I'm well published and successful in my profession. I ran three Boston Marathons, and I am a 4.0 computer rated USTA lawn tennis player. So I'm fit, also. Theoretically, all these should be attractive qualities for educated females. I've spent about $2,000 dollars on matchmaking services to no avail. Then, on a lonely Monday dark, I have decided to statistically determine the pct of available women that are in the U.Southward. who suit my preferences and who may be interested in me.

My preference is a slender, non-smoking , Caucasian woman with perhaps a bachelor's degree or to a higher place, between the ages of 25-39 .

According to the 2011 U.S. Demography (1), there are 6,660,000 single Caucasian women (never married) in the U.S betwixt 25 and 39 years of age. In that location are 1,940,000 divorced women of the same age range (25 to 39). So, allow's add together these two together = 8,600,000 (eight meg six hundred thou). That is about 3% of the total U.S. population of 320,400,000 (v) that could be available for marriage.

Now consider that about xviii% of these 8,600,000 women have a BMI of 21 or less (half dozen). Since, I normally date women under a BMI of 21, my desired sample would exist reduced to about eighteen% of my preferred female population. That leaves me with 1,548,000 Caucasian single women in the U.Southward who are single, Caucasian, and of my correct BMI preference.

Now 40% of those women have a college degree (Bachelor's or more) (7). So, that leaves me with 619,200 available, slender, Caucasian women in the U.S. with a college teaching and of the right BMI. Every bit 82% of these women are non-smokers (viii), that leaves me with 507,744 women or about 6% of 25 to 39 year old population in the U.S.(0.32% of the full female population in the U.South.).Thus, in any city, 0.32% of the female population would fit my preferences.

Of the 507,744 women available in the U.Southward., what about sure personality factors, exercising habits, and other "likeness" constructs that I wish for my partner to possess? I would say about 30% of these women would have amicable personality traits and other attributes that would suit my liking. But this is a big guess. So, we are now left with 152,323 women that I would get along with. Now, what percentage of those women would observe me attractive? Again, I can't detect any data on the percentage of women that y'all like who like you too. So I'k going to have an educated judge and say that xx% of these women would also find me bonny.

And then, that leaves me with xxx,645 women in the U.S. that fit my desires and who discover me attractive.

Call up, this statistical judge is based on women that have never been married or are divorced. Simply the U.S. Census did not give me insight equally to the per centum of those single women who are in "relationships." Let'due south say one-half of these women are in relationships, and so now, nosotros are left with xv,344 women in the U.South. that fit my criteria.

Given that the percentages of lesbians in the U.S., hovers around 4% (9), then that would get out me with a final total allotment of 14,730 women, or 0.17% of available women in the U.S that matches my preferences [(14,730÷eight,600,000) x 100]. Good grief.

In a large city similar New York (population 8,406,000) there are 226,962 single Caucasian women 25 to 39 yrs of historic period (0.027 ten 8,406,000). This would leave me with 386 women that fit my desires and who notice me attractive (0.0017 x 226,962). However, I don't live in New York. I live in a town that has 751,000 residents. Thus, there would be 20,277 unmarried Caucasian women of my preference 25 to 39 yrs of age (0.027 ten 751,000). This would leave me with 35 women in my local area who fit my desires and who observe me bonny (0.0017 10 xx,277). What are the chances that I bump into one of these 34 women in a population of 751,000? Pretty damn low. Now imagine if I do not desire to date women with children and that I want to raise a family of my own without raising someone else'south children (merely because I'd similar to avoid possible mixed family complications). Well, this would dwindle this population of available, desirable women even further since 33% of women 25 to 39 years of age take no children (10). And so, now 0.056% of a given population would be suitable for me (0.0017 x 0.33 = 0.000561). In my area, I would be done to xi women who fit my desires and who likewise would notice me bonny. The huge job is to effigy out where these xi ladies are, or is information technology time to motion?

Thus, for someone that has selected only five major desirable traits in a mate, I've narrowed my selection to 0.17% of the female population. If I want a 6th desirable trait (no previous children), I'thou at now 0.056% of the population. Then you can run across America, I am totally screwed, or rather, Not screwed (pun intended).

Ladies, as for your ain statistical computations you may observe that I besides fall into the hard to discover group. However, if any of the above mentioned 0.056% (or 0.17%) of the women happen to read this and accept the preference for a tall (half dozen'i"), bluish eyed, family unit oriented, left-handed, 44 yrs of age, 6'i, 170 lbs, Caucasian, college professor, never married, no children, I brand your search easier; I tin can be reached at im2exl@gmail.com. Thought Catalog Logo Mark


  1. U.S. Department of Commerce. United States Census Agency.
  2. U.S. Section of Commerce. U.s.a. Census Bureau.
  3. Stulp, G., Buunk, A. P., & Pollet, T. V. (2013). Women want taller men more than men want shorter women. Personality and Individual Differences. 54, 887-883.
  4. Globe Health Organization
  5. U.S. Population
  6. National Wellness and Nutrition Test Survey (2005-2006) (NHANES)
  7. Per centum of women with at least a higher caste
  8. U.S. Smokers
  9. Percent of Lesbians in U.S.
  10. Demography.gov


Source: https://thoughtcatalog.com/anonymous/2015/04/what-is-the-statistical-chance-of-finding-the-love-of-my-life/

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